MySQL Functions: Definitions & Examples

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MySQL functions play a critical role in managing and manipulating data effectively. These built-in functions perform various operations, such as performing calculations on data, manipulating strings, handling dates, and much more. This article will delve into the core aspects of MySQL functions, detailing definitions, categories, and examples.

What Are MySQL Functions?

Женщина в очках работает за ноутбуком в уютном офисе с книжными полками.

MySQL functions are predefined operations that can be applied to data fields within database tables to achieve specific outcomes. They are essential for data manipulation and retrieval, offering an efficient way to handle complex queries. Functions can return a single value from given input values, making data processing more straightforward and efficient.

Types of MySQL Functions

MySQL functions can be broadly categorized into several types, each serving a unique purpose within the database environment. Understanding these categories will help you utilize these functions more effectively:

  1. String Functions:

    These functions perform operations on string data types. Examples include CONCAT(), LENGTH(), and SUBSTRING().

  2. Numeric Functions:

    These functions handle numeric data types. Examples include ABS(), ROUND(), and CEILING().

  3. Date and Time Functions:

    These functions deal with date and time data types. Examples include NOW(), CURDATE(), and DATE_ADD().

  4. Aggregate Functions:

    These functions operate on a set of values and return a single value. Examples include SUM(), AVG(), and COUNT().

  5. JSON Functions:

    These functions manage JSON data types. Examples include JSON_EXTRACT(), JSON_ARRAY(), and JSON_OBJECT().

Commonly Used MySQL Functions

Мужчина делает презентацию с доской в офисе перед коллегами.

In practice, some MySQL functions are used more frequently due to their utility in common database operations. Let’s explore some of these essential functions:

CONCAT() Function

The CONCAT() function stitches multiple strings into one. It’s exceptionally useful when you need to merge columns or add extra context to a string. This function does not add spaces automatically, so you may need to include space characters as necessary.

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ‘ ‘, last_name) AS full_name FROM employees;

In this example, first names and last names are concatenated to form full names.

NOW() Function

The NOW() function returns the current date and time in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’. This is particularly useful for timestamping events and data entries.

INSERT INTO log (event_time, event_name) VALUES (NOW(), ‘User Login’);

Here, the NOW() function is used to record the exact time of a user login event.

AVG() Function

The AVG() function calculates the average value of a numeric column. It is an aggregate function, meaning it operates over a set of values.

SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees WHERE department_id = 3;

This query calculates the average salary of employees in department number 3.


The JSON_EXTRACT() function retrieves data from a JSON document. It’s particularly useful when dealing with JSON-type columns in modern relational databases.

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(info, ‘$.address’) AS address FROM customers;

This example demonstrates how to extract the address field from JSON data stored in the ‘info’ column of the ‘customers’ table.


Ноутбук Apple с открытым кодом на экране, окружён растениями на столе в светлом офисе.

MySQL functions are versatile tools that enable efficient data manipulation and retrieval. From string concatenation to complex JSON data extraction, these functions simplify database operations. By understanding and utilizing these functions, you can perform more effective data management and analysis. Incorporate these functions into your SQL queries to maximize the potential of MySQL in your database projects.


1. What is the role of MySQL functions?

MySQL functions are predefined operations used to manipulate and retrieve data efficiently, simplifying complex database queries and operations.

2. Can I create custom functions in MySQL?

Yes, you can create custom functions using the CREATE FUNCTION statement to define your unique operations based on specific requirements.

3. Are MySQL functions case-sensitive?

No, MySQL function names are not case-sensitive, although using consistent casing is considered good practice.

4. How do I check if a particular function is available in my MySQL version?

You can refer to the official MySQL documentation for your version to check the availability of specific functions.

5. What are aggregate functions in MySQL?

Aggregate functions, such as SUM(), AVG(), and COUNT(), operate on a set of values and return a single value, often used for summarizing data.

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